Farhan Sadeek profile picture

Hello, I'm

Farhan Sadeek

Computer Science Student
Student Software Engineer

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About Me

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2+ years
Software Development
Data Science

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B.Sc. Bachelors Degree
Computer Science

Hello, I'm Farhan Sadeek, currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. My passion lies in the dynamic realms of Software Development, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. As an active member of the AI Club and enthusiastic participant in competitive programming, I thrive on exploring innovative solutions to complex challenges. My academic journey is marked by a dedication to understanding the intricacies of computer science and applying theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

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Professional Journey


Undergraduate Research Assistant November 2023 - Present

The Ohio State University

I will be working on a research project on the impact of U.S. natural disasters on individuals with diverse identities, advised by Dr. Kelsea Best. Using Python (pandas, matplotlib) and R (Tidyverse, ggplot2) for data visualization, I will be attending weekly Zoom meetings to report updates and deliver presentations.

Technical Analyst June 2023 - Present


I collaboratively resolved complex issues cross-functionally, leveraging statistical methodologies that led to a 15% improvement in team satisfaction. Additionally, I demonstrated advanced research knowledge, consistently exceeding targets and achieving a 10% increase in project milestones and academic standards through rigorous statistical analysis.

Data Analyst August 2021 - Present

Google AI

I leveraged my expertise in Kaggle datasets to analyze and extract valuable insights, driving data-driven decision-making and enhancing business performance. Through developing and implementing advanced machine learning models and algorithms, I achieved a 20% improvement in solving complex problems and optimizing business processes. Collaborating with cross-functional teams, I effectively communicated findings from Kaggle datasets, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions and contributing to a 10% increase in desired outcomes.

Data Science Intern May 2022 - August 2022

Harvard University

Developed Dr. Kane's Harvard Class GOV 1005 with R coding language along with other student researchers. Four weeks of training under Dr. Kane culminated in an independent Data Analytics Research Project, where I analysed the impact of different economic indices on the population of a country.

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Education & Activities

Bachelors of Science

Computer Science


Expected Graudation : December 2026

Relevant Coursework:

CSE 2321 : Discrete Structures/Math
CSE 2231 : Software Development and Design
CSE 2221 : Software Components
CSE 2123 : Data Structrues
CSE 1223 : Programming in Java
Math 2153 : Multivariable Calculus
Math 1151 : Differential Calculus
Math 1152 : Integral Calculus
Physics 1250: Engineering Mechanics
Physics 1251: Electricity and Magnetism

Activites and Organizations

  • Competitive Programming Club
  • As a memeber of the Competitive Programming Club at the Ohio State University, I was able delve deep into the feel of advanced algorithms, and branhces of Mathematics.

  • Big Data and Analytics Association
  • As a memeber of the Big Data and Analytics Association, I was able to gain deeper understading and hands-on experience on different data analytics tool such as Tableau, PowerBI, AWS etc.

  • Artifical Intelligence Club
  • The Artifical Intelligence club was one of the most important clubs in my careers. Through their weekly meetings I was able to learn Machine Learning Libraries such as Sci-kit Learn, PyTorch, Tensorflow.

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Explore My


Software Development

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20,000 lines

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20,000 lines

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10,000 lines

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10,000 lines

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10,000 lines

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3,000 lines

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Node JS

1,000 lines

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1,000 lines

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3,000 lines

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> 3 years

Data Science &
Artificial Intelligence

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10,000 lines

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> 2 years

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5,000 lines

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5,000 lines

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3,000 lines

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3,000 lines

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< 1 year

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< 1 year

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Browse My Recent


Project 1

Project One

Real Time Data Analytics Dashboard

Project 2

Project Two

Real Time Weather Application

Project 3

Project Three

Personal Portfolio Website

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